Dear 10 year old's, enjoy being a kid. Nowadays in our generation we have technology to keep us busy. We have Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and much more! Though instead of staying inside. Go outside and enjoy what the World has to give us! When I was 10 I remember having play- dates, sleepovers, going to the park, and even playing with barbies! Time flies and by the time you turn a teenager, your expected to at least "mature." If your 10, enjoy your life from the fullest. Once you get into middle school some things will change. Therefore, enjoy what you have now. Don't worry if kids in your grade act "too cool" for their age. You always have your family to be your friends. Trust me they will be always have your back. Go to the park, go to the fairs, go everywhere! The more you get older, the more work you will have. Enjoy being that wild, funny, energetic kid, and be yourself! Sincerely, A 14 year old