
Showing posts from September, 2017

Q1:W5 comments

United by Naomi Shihab Nye week 5 - Tanya Dialogue- Ellie SH.

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone Dialogue

"DURSLEY!" he boomed. Uncle Vernon, who had gone very pale, whispered something that like "Mimblewimble." "But yeh must know about yer mum and dad," he said. "I mean they're famous. You're famous ." "What? My --- my mum and dad weren't famous, were they?" "Yeh don' know . . . yeh don' know . . . " Hagrid ran his fingers through his hair, fixing Harry with a bewildered stare. "Yeh don't know what yeh are? he said finally. "Stop!" he commanded. "Stop right there, sir! I forbid you to tell the boy anything! "You never told him? Never told him what was in the letter Dumbledore left fer him? I was there! I saw Dumbledore leave it, Dursley! An' you've kept it from him all these years?" "Kept what  from me?" said Harry eagerly. "STOP! I FORBID YOU!" yelled Uncle Vernon in panic. "Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh," said H

Gate A-4

     Naomi Nye, is a poet of many great works. Naomi has written many heart-felt poems. That leaves you inspired. One of my favorite pieces that I have read, is Gate A-4. This poem is about a Palestinian woman and Naomi. Both of them, were at an airport in Albuquerque. The plane that the Palestinian woman and Naomi were supposed to board, was delayed. Though the Palestinian  woman had a hard time figuring out why the plane didn't arrive yet, since she didn't speak any English. Naomi came to rescue, and then spoke to her in Arabic to help her understand that the flight was delayed. Now understanding, the woman stopped fretting, and became more calm. By offering cookies to all the women in the gate. Seeing all the woman from different places happily eating the cookie. Made Naomi realized that she wanted to live in a world where everyone was happy.      This poem reached out to me in a special way. Naomi described in the poem that when she looked at other gates that were "we

Q1:W4 Comments

Charile- Dear 11-year-old Ellie SH. - Mint Snowball

Dear 10 year old's

     Dear 10 year old's, enjoy being a kid. Nowadays in our generation we have technology to keep us busy. We have Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, and much more! Though instead of staying inside. Go outside and enjoy what the World has to give us! When I was 10 I remember having play- dates, sleepovers, going to the park, and even playing with barbies! Time flies and by the time you turn a teenager, your expected to at least "mature."      If your 10, enjoy your life from the fullest. Once you get into middle school some things will change. Therefore, enjoy what you have now. Don't worry if kids in your grade act "too cool" for their age. You always have your family to be your friends. Trust me they will be always have your back. Go to the park, go to the fairs, go everywhere! The more you get older, the more work you will have. Enjoy being that wild, funny, energetic kid, and be yourself! Sincerely, A 14 year old        

Reading Response: Mint Snowball

     The Mint Snowball  is about Naomi's great-grandfather. Who invented the mint snowball. Naomi's great-grandfather ran a drugstore. Which is where he concocted the snowball. This snowball is special because it has a secret recipe, that no one knows. Before her great-grandfather had died, he sold the recipe to someone else. The main idea of this narrative is, since Naomi's great-grandfather sold the snowball recipe. She believes there is a part of her missing. The reason she feels that way is because she never got to taste this snowball. This mint snowball is supposed to have a feeling of coolness, or refreshment. Naomi states in this narrative that even though she has everything. She is angry that the one thing that's important to her. Is not in her reach anymore. The Mint Snowball  teaches us that we might have everything, but there might be a part of us that is missing.

Comments Q1:W3

Ellie S. - Hurricane Katrina Grace S. - Poseur by: Rachel Maude

Hurricane Katrina

     On August 29th, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. The hurricane made landfall, with it being in Category 3. With the wind being 100 to 140 miles per hour, and the levee breaches causing massive flooding, it was a disaster in New Orleans. Meteorologists were able to warn those in the Gulf Coast states that the hurricane was near. After the warning was announced, on August 28, 2005, evacuations were declared. New Orleans lies above the sea level, and the average elevation is six feet below the sea level. No one would have predicted that the strong and sturdy levees would fall, causing tons of neighborhoods to flood. With the levees flooding, the people of New Orleans had to evacuate. Leaving them was the Superdome to stay at. Since the Superdome was elevated higher off the ground.       After Hurricane Katrina had ended, many people came from different areas to help rescue. The Coast Guard rescued about 34,000 people. While other citizens offered to help with shelter and

Reading Response: The Beginning of Everything

      The Beginning of Everything  is about a high school student, Ezra Faulkner who "believes everyone has a tragedy waiting for them."Ezra was dating the prettiest girl in high school, was the captain of his tennis team, and was the front runner for homecoming king.      Until, Ezra finds himself in a horrible car accident that destroys his whole high school career. With that happening Ezra decides to hangout with the "misfits', where he finds Cassidy Thorpe. Cassidy Thorpe is the not the girl you would find at Eastwood High. With Cassidy as Ezra's friend, they formed a friendship and somewhat affection for each other.