
Showing posts from November, 2017

Comments Q2:W6

thanksgiving "break" thoughts- Zoe free post week 6- Muskaan

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     This Thanksgiving Break is going well so far. On Saturday I spent my whole day painting. Even though it took me eight hours to finish it, it was well worth it. I painted a non-figurative painting, which means it has no meaning to it. The colors of the painting are different types of blue, purple, green, and gold. I loved how it came out, and can't wait for my family members to see it on Thanksgiving Day.      So far, I have been starting my day up late and watching a lot of movies. Even though I have a break, I realized that I need to stay focus on school, since midterms are right around the corner. The break so far has been relaxing and calming. The weather allows me to feel this way. I love how its a bit cold, it really brings the feel of Fall. I am really excited to see my family and spend time with them again on Thanksgiving. Being with my family truly brings the feeling of Fall to me. 


     My thesis for the Literary Analysis is: "Who Would be the Better Leader?" I picked this statement because throughout the book there were arguments dealing with the role of the chief. Throughout this book, Ralph was the leader, until there was a split in the middle of the book. Where Ralph and Jack were than their own leaders. Meaning Jack had a tribe of his own, and as with Ralph.       I believe that Ralph would be the most sensible leader because he realizes what the importance of survival is, which is fire. Ralph shows in the book that the fire is an important symbol. The fire is the only way the boys can get off the island. As Ralph states on page 80:"The fire is the most important thing on the island. How can we ever be rescued except by luck, if we don't keep a fire going?" Jack, on the other hand, would not be a great leader because he only believes hunting to be important.There's a vast difference between who would be the better leader. 

comments Q:2 W:5

Grace- LOFT Response Ellie S.- Symbolism: The Girl and The Fish

LOFT response

     "The fire's the most important thing. Without the fire we can't be rescued. I'd like to put on war-paint and be savage. But we must keep the fire burning. The fire's the most important thing on the island, because ---" He paused again and the silence became full of doubt and wonder. Piggy  whispered urgently. "Rescue." "Oh yes. Without fire we can't be rescued. So we must stay by the fire and make smoke." (142)      I picked this passage because there are two meaningful parts, that represent a bigger understanding. First is the fire, Ralph shows how important it is for a fire to be made. If there is not a fire then there is no smoke. The smoke is supposed to be a signal for ships passing by the island. If there is no smoke, then it leads to the chance of the boys never getting rescued. This is why the fire is an important aspect of the story. The second part which is significant is Ralph's forgetfulness. Ralph keeps on stat


     It was 4:45 am, Mira woke up and got ready to work. After Mira was done taking a shower and brushing her teeth, she looked in the mirror. All she saw was her dull shadow in the mirror. She felt as she was lonely, not powerful, or confident enough. Mira worked in a town, where she didn't feel happy or didn't have the courage to feel happy. She was a simple girl who had no friends nor family to aid her in help.      Mira arrived at her work at 6 am and would begin to open up the shop. Mira worked every day. She would see the same people every day but not this time. As Mira went outside to turn the closed sign to open,  an old lady who sold lipsticks came up to her. She handed Mira a red lipstick. Mira shook her head and said: "I have no money to buy the lipstick." The old lady smiled at her faintly and left Mira standing outside the shop with the red lipstick.      It was the next day, same routine, same Mira. When Mira was done taking a shower and brushing her t

Blog comments Q2:W4

LOFT Response: Focusing in on Simon Tanya- reading response to loft

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     This past weekend I spent time working on my art homework. For art class, every week we have to draw five drawings that our teacher assigns. This week we were supposed to draw with an ink pen! I find drawing with ink pens instantly makes me anxious. It also makes me feel that I might mess up and I then wouldn't be able to fix it. If I made a mistake in my artwork then it would be  conspicuous to the viewer especially in ink.      Drawing in ink pen though also thought me, the artist, to try new things. I learned how to control the pen while I am drawing. Even though that sounds odd, but I have learned that if you can control the way you draw or paint, then your variability of your artwork can change as well. Drawing in pen, taught me to be patient and controlled in my art.

Lord of the Flies

     The book Lord of the Flies is an interesting story. The plot and the details of this book are very much vividly given. What I enjoy about this book so far is the characteristics of the characters, and what their view of the "beast" is. Such as Simon, Simon is known for the book to be "strange" and "shy," and his belief of the beast are odd as well. Simon believes that mankind is the beast, on page eighty-nine he states "maybe it's only us." This belief gives us an idea that maybe the beast is only in the imagination of the boys. Another character that I find interesting is Piggy. Piggy is known to be that character that no one takes seriously. His asthma and his ideas make all the boys in the book irritated of him. Piggy's view of the beast is peculiar as well. He does not believe in the beast but is afraid of people. On the page, eighty-four Piggy says "unless we are frightened of people." Piggy is the only one in the book