
Showing posts from January, 2018

Blog comments Q:3 W:3

Research Paper: My Topic- Ellie S. Research Post- Grace S.

Research Post

     My research topic is on Queen Hatshepsut achievements during her reign. Queen Hatshepsut was one of the seven women to rule Egypt as a female pharaoh. Queen Hatshepsut made Egyptian history impressive, by being the most successful female pharaoh to rule. She brought prosperity, peace, great art and great monuments to her kingdom. Though, what made her rule so successful were her building projects. Queen Hatshepsut built quite a few monuments such as the Karnak Temple and her remarkable mortuary temple. The mortuary temple called the Deir el-Bahri is her most famous building projects. The Deir el- Bahri contains major events that had happened during Hatshepsut life. One event that I find monumental is the Expedition to Punt. This expedition was ordered from Queen Hatshepsut. The main point of this expedition was for trading. The Egyptians had brought back many valuable goods to Egypt. This expedition also marked the first successful transportation of foreign fauna. The goods that c

Reading Response

     The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, is a very interesting book. In the beginning of the book, Junior and Rowdy's friendship was well known. Though when Junior had decided to leave the rez and go to another school, that friendship was gone. At Juniors new school he began, a new yet different friendship had sprouted with another boy, Gordy. What I realized while reading the book was how these two friends are majorly different. Rowdy's friendship with Junior, is a toxic yet strong friendship. Rowdy protects Junior from all the bullies on the rez. Though when Junior decided to leave to go to Reardan, the friendship became toxic. Rowdy became aggressive and even violent.       The friendship between Gordy and Junior is an encouraging one. What I meant by that is, Gordy encourages Junior to keep his hopes up by learning more. On Page 97, Junior stated: "Okay, so it's like each of these books is a mystery. Every book is a mystery. And if you read all the bo

Blog comments Q:3 W:2

Research- Zoe free post- Tanya

Blog Comments Q3:W1

Research Update- Tanya Q3 Week 2- Seryn

Free Post

     Having two days off of school is great, but it's even better when we are off due to snowy weather. I remember the first time I saw snow. It was in my hometown of Amsterdam, Netherlands. I was around three or four, even though that was at a young age, I still have pictures to remind me of that day. I remember waking up and jumping on my parent's bed with my brother. As I was jumping, I saw a glimpse of snow out of the window. I was amazed, I have never seen such a thing.      My dad, brother, and I bundled up in the warmest clothes we had and went outside. I stepped outside on the terrace and looked up straight at the sky. The white and cold snow fell on my face as I looked up. There was even a picture of me sticking out my tongue, thinking this mysterious ice tasted like something. Watching the snowfall yesterday reminded me of this memory, that I would cherish forever.

Research update

     My research topic is "what did Queen Hatshepsut achieve during her reign?" Queen Hatshepsut is an inspirational woman, who in my opinion, changed the Egyptian history. When I first began to research Queen Hatshepsut, I learned many interesting facts about her. Though, one fact that amazed me was how she dressed as a man- such as, she wore traditional clothing made for a pharaoh, she even had a beard glued to her face! Queen Hatshepsut dressed as a man because, during eightieth dynasty, only men were able to be pharaohs. Therefore, Queen Hatshepsut dressed as a man, so her subjects can take her reign seriously. Even though she had male characteristics, she still kept her feminine personality.      The research for my topic has been going well so far. The difficult part for me was making those annotations for my six sources. I found it hard because I wrote a lot of information for each of the sources. Therefore, it took a long time for me to even finish one annotation. No

New Semester Reflection

     I have learned many valuable lessons during the fall semester. The first thing I have learned was not to procrastinate! Throughout fall semester I would keep pushing my assignments back, thinking I would have enough time to do it the next day. Though that would never work out. I would always stay up late trying to finish workload of assignments due the next day! This lesson is very important to me because procrastinating would not only stress me out but would stress my parents out as well since they would stay up late for me to finish my work. The second lesson I learned was time management. During fall semester I continued to do Cross Country. I knew that was going to be a difficulty since I wasn't as fast as most of the girls. Time management really helped me organize when to do what assignments, after those long and tiring practices.       Lastly, the most important lesson I learned during the fall semester, is to be a more positive student. I realized during most of the s