New Semester Reflection

     I have learned many valuable lessons during the fall semester. The first thing I have learned was not to procrastinate! Throughout fall semester I would keep pushing my assignments back, thinking I would have enough time to do it the next day. Though that would never work out. I would always stay up late trying to finish workload of assignments due the next day! This lesson is very important to me because procrastinating would not only stress me out but would stress my parents out as well since they would stay up late for me to finish my work. The second lesson I learned was time management. During fall semester I continued to do Cross Country. I knew that was going to be a difficulty since I wasn't as fast as most of the girls. Time management really helped me organize when to do what assignments, after those long and tiring practices. 
     Lastly, the most important lesson I learned during the fall semester, is to be a more positive student. I realized during most of the semester, I was always thinking negatively about my assignments and test. I never told myself that "I could do it," with this thinking, I let myself down. Though, now that I have reflected on my past of negativity, this semester will be filled with positivity and happiness. This semester my goals are to study hard, be a better student and athlete, and to finish my ninth grade year strong.  


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