Song Analyze

     The song that I will be analyzing is "Umbrella" by Rihanna and Jay-Z. In the song there are techniques that are used, to make the song purposeful. At the beginning of the song there was few of consonance's used, such as in lines thirteen where it goes-"In anticipation for precipitation." The repetition of "action" makes this a consonance. Also, in the beginning, assonance's were used, such as in lines seven where is goes- "Coming down with the Dow Jones." The repetition of "ow" makes this an assonance's. Another technique used was onomatopoeia, an example is in lines one through four where it goes"uh huh" imitates the sound. Hyperbole was even used in the poem, such as in lines thirty-eight, where it goes "you're part of my entity, here for infinity." This phrase uses the exaggeration of being alive for forever. Throughout the poem, lots of rhyme was used such as end rhyme and even a rhyme scheme was found. Throughout the chorus, end rhyme like " together-forever," "friend-end," and "ever-other were used." Another end rhyme I found was in the first verse where "heart-apart" and "there-share were used." The rhyme scheme I found was for the chorus which it is: AABBCCDDECE.
      In "Umbrella," the song has quite a symbolic meaning. Throughout the song the lyric "You can stand under my umbrella," I believe means that there will always be room for the special somebody. The song's meaning is that through tough times, there will always be someone to help you through. The way that the writer expressed this meaning was by the techniques and symbolic lyrics. With the song having these techniques it helped depict the song in a way of comfort.

Link to Lyrics


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