Reading Response: Mint Snowball

     The Mint Snowball is about Naomi's great-grandfather. Who invented the mint snowball. Naomi's great-grandfather ran a drugstore. Which is where he concocted the snowball. This snowball is special because it has a secret recipe, that no one knows. Before her great-grandfather had died, he sold the recipe to someone else. The main idea of this narrative is, since Naomi's great-grandfather sold the snowball recipe. She believes there is a part of her missing. The reason she feels that way is because she never got to taste this snowball. This mint snowball is supposed to have a feeling of coolness, or refreshment. Naomi states in this narrative that even though she has everything. She is angry that the one thing that's important to her. Is not in her reach anymore. The Mint Snowball teaches us that we might have everything, but there might be a part of us that is missing.


  1. That is a great way to interpret the theme/lesson! I never thought about it that way!


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