LOFT response

     "The fire's the most important thing. Without the fire we can't be rescued. I'd like to put on war-paint and be savage. But we must keep the fire burning. The fire's the most important thing on the island, because ---"
He paused again and the silence became full of doubt and wonder.
Piggy  whispered urgently. "Rescue."
"Oh yes. Without fire we can't be rescued. So we must stay by the fire and make smoke." (142)
     I picked this passage because there are two meaningful parts, that represent a bigger understanding. First is the fire, Ralph shows how important it is for a fire to be made. If there is not a fire then there is no smoke. The smoke is supposed to be a signal for ships passing by the island. If there is no smoke, then it leads to the chance of the boys never getting rescued. This is why the fire is an important aspect of the story. The second part which is significant is Ralph's forgetfulness. Ralph keeps on stating throughout the book the importance of "remaining humane." Though in this passage, it shows that after being on an island where the boys don't face the "reality of the world" anymore, it can change them. Even here it shows where Ralph forgets the main importance of the fire and wonders what the fire resembles. This passage is important because even though it is short, it has meaningful parts that add perspective to the story.



  1. This passage shows just how ready you were for the quiz today! You analyzed this thoughtfully and made your point very clear! Good job!


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