On Sunday was my fifteenth birthday. Though before that, on Saturday, I had a couple of my friends over for a birthday dinner. It was really fun and I had a great time. On the morning of my birthday, I was really happy because the weather was perfect. My whole day was spent in the warm yet breezy weather. As I spent my day outside, I played with my dog, Lucky, and even opened up my birthday gifts from my parents. I was very grateful for receiving such great gifts, such as- perfume, makeup, and chocolates! After spending much of my day outside, I went to dinner with my family. Going to dinner with my family is great because we often do not go out to eat, or even eat at the same time when we are at home, due to my parents work. Though, going to dinner with my family really made me happier, as we caught up on more. I am really grateful for my family and friends, being there to celebrate my fifteenth birthday!