
Showing posts from March, 2018

Blog Comments Q4:W2

Tanya-  PH Response Naya-  Free post

Creative Post

Beach Day The waves pushed harder and harder against the wind. The two seagulls were pinned, to each as they flew. The sand blew across the deserted beach. I laid on the sand and ate the sweet and sour peach. I could smell the salty yet fresh ocean, I began to smile as the emotions In me were filled with happiness. Everything about it made me happy, Everything about it made me relaxed. For the beach was the best thing to have. End Rhyme, Anaphora, consonance, assonance, and alliteration

Reading Response to Purple Hibiscus

     The Purple Hibiscus is a great book so far. What I find interesting in this book, is the vivid details used to portray a scene in the book. For example, on page thirty-three, it says "We cleaned up the trickle of blood, which trailed away as if someone had carried a leaking jar of red watercolor all the way downstairs. Jaja scrubbed while I wiped." The vivid details used in this scene portrays when Kambili and Jaja had to clean mama's blood when she got another miscarriage. The details in the scene show how emotionless the brother and sister are since they are used to cleaning up the mother's blood after the father had beaten her up.      Another scene that has great details as well as on page forty is "Who came first?" Papa asked, finally. "Chinwe Jideze. "Jideze? The girl who came second last term?" "Yes," I said. My stomach was making sounds, hollow rumbling sounds that seemed too loud, that would not stop even when I sucked

Blog Comments

Tanya- Tree Poem Ellie S.  Oh rain, why did you go?


The other team had already won. I was standing getting ready to run, I was staring at the finish line, hundred meters ahead, I felt the warm sun rays stinging on the back of my shoulder, I felt the wind as the breeze blew, I could hear the crowd holler. I could hear my team chant. I heard the starter say "on your marks," And, that's when I knew I needed to start, And, run as fast as I can. End Rhyme, Alliteration, and consonance

Song Analyze

     The song that I will be analyzing is "Umbrella" by Rihanna and Jay-Z. In the song there are techniques that are used, to make the song purposeful. At the beginning of the song there was few of consonance's used, such as in lines thirteen where it goes-"In anticipation for precipitation." The repetition of "action" makes this a consonance. Also, in the beginning, assonance's were used, such as in lines seven where is goes- "Coming down with the Dow Jones." The repetition of "ow" makes this an assonance's. Another technique used was onomatopoeia, an example is in lines one through four where it goes"uh huh" imitates the sound. Hyperbole was even used in the poem, such as in lines thirty-eight, where it goes "you're part of my entity, here for infinity." This phrase uses the exaggeration of being alive for forever. Throughout the poem, lots of rhyme was used such as end rhyme and even a rhyme scheme

Blog comments Q:3 W7

LAUNCH Response:  Seryn yearbook:  Zoe

Free Post

     On Sunday was my fifteenth birthday. Though before that, on Saturday, I had a couple of my friends over for a birthday dinner. It was really fun and I had a great time. On the morning of my birthday, I was really happy because the weather was perfect. My whole day was spent in the warm yet breezy weather. As I spent my day outside, I played with my dog, Lucky, and even opened up my birthday gifts from my parents. I was very grateful for receiving such great gifts, such as- perfume, makeup, and chocolates!       After spending much of my day outside, I went to dinner with my family. Going to dinner with my family is great because we often do not go out to eat, or even eat at the same time when we are at home, due to my parents work. Though, going to dinner with my family really made me happier, as we caught up on more. I am really grateful for my family and friends, being there to celebrate my fifteenth birthday!

LAUNCH Response

     LAUNCH day was an interesting experience that I got to see. Seeing all the presentations of different types of situations in our world was a great learning experience. Some presentations I liked were: "Re-thinking your health from Drugs to Diagnosis," "Think Again: Considering our World's Stress, Values, and Norms," and "Embracing the World Around You: Where Do You Fit In?" In these presentations, I not only enjoyed them but learned new ideas about our society. One particularity presentation, I very much enjoyed was Sue Munro, "Creating an Interconnected World: The Importance of Languages."      The reason why I liked this presentation was that of the main message Munro was expressing, which is the importance of learning new languages. The examples she gave in her presentation, helped described why learning languages are important. Learning a new language can help us in the future. An example of this that Munro used in her presentation