Hits and Misses

     There were many hits and misses throughout this year. Throughout the year I have become a stronger writer and I have developed many skills in writing and in analyzing writings in books or poems. I believe that my personal narrative was a piece of writing that I was successful in. I enjoyed writing the personal narrative because the event that I wrote about changed the way I am, and made me more appreciative of my surroundings. I believe the successful part of my narrative was the details I included in there. The details in my paper were well described, such as, where I personified a tree dancing in the wind. The details in my paper was a significant part because it brought out the importance of nature to me. 
     Though my least favorite unit I struggled with was the poetry unit. I do like poetry, but I simply cannot write any exciting or meaningful poems in general. I found it stressful when were had to write each day for five minutes a poem on a subject that Dr. D gave us. Some poems were a hit, but mostly a lot of them were a miss. Though what I found most stressful were the scansions. I had practiced a lot of them before my test, though I was completely lost. I was lost because of all the scansions I could not decipher what beat or rhythm it should be. I also was confused with my stress syllables and what my unstress syllables were. Though throughout this whole unit, I have gained a little more interest in poetry. However, my ninth grade English class was the best english class I have ever taken. I learned many new things that have helped me in many other classes, and will surely help me in the future.


  1. I agree that the scansions were very hard! They just didn't make any sense. I also agree that this has been a great class!


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