
Showing posts from October, 2017

Q2:W2 comments

Tanya- writing prompt week 2   Naya-What is something you wish you have known two years ago that you know now?

blog prompt

     Who do you look up to in your life? Why?      One person that I look up to is my grandma, Nini. My grandmother raised me to the young women I am today. My grandmother is an extremely hard worker and is a beautiful independent woman. Nini had four children and had to work hard enough to feed them, let them go to school, and give them a roof under their head. My grandma work under any conditions in India to make sure her family had a proper life. Every time I feel like giving up I think of my Nini, how she would work day and night selling vegetables and rice she grew on her farm. Nini would never give up and still, she never gives up.       Nini is an important figure in my life. She raised me from when I was born till today! Every night when I was staying with Nini she would tell me about her life in India, Nini would then tell me every night "Muskaan, study hard and work hard, so you don't have to sell vegetables like me." Then she would sing an Indian lullaby

Human Nature

     Human nature is filled with many traits. Though, one important trait that all humans have is being flawed. As a human, we encounter many possibilities in our life where we make mistakes. No human can be perfect, no human can be flawless. Human nature is how one feels, thinks, or acts, and this is shared by all humans. Humans are capable of doing anything, except one thing which is being perfect.      My family is the reason why I believe this way. I have learned that it is okay to make mistakes and  if you do then you will not get penalized for that mistake. My family has taught me that as life comes there will be many opportunities where you will make mistakes. And as life comes you will learn from those mistakes. This what human nature means to me. 


Naya-Fall Break Ellie- A + P

Reading Response

      A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children is a unique short story. This short story was detailed very thoroughly which helped me visualized many scenes in the story. Few examples of where the author helped portray great details were about the weather and the angel. Throughout the story, the author managed to depict how the rainy the days were. Such as describing how gloomy, dark, or dull the weather was. One quote from the short story that gave a great example of the weather was: "Sea and sky were a single ash-gray and the sands of the beach, which on March nights glimmered like powdered light, had become a stew of mud and rotten shellfish." Another quote that gave a great example of how the angel was described was: " There were only a few faded hairs left on his bald skull and very few teeth in his mouth, and his pitiful condition of a drenched great-grandfather took away any sense of grandeur he might have had. His huge buzzard wings, dirty and hal

Fall break

     Over fall break, I took time for me to relax. I spent most of my days waking up late and would draw the whole day. I find drawing calms me, especially when I listen to music. I drew many flowers and plants around my house. On Friday, I went with a couple of my friends to watch the movie "Flatliners." The movie was great but a bit scary! What I enjoyed about the movie was the plot. The whole movie was based on what would happen to your brain after you die. Overall, I was impressed by the actors and how the movie was set. For the weekend I spent most of my days inside either drawing, reading, or watching Netflix. I drew the surrounding nature, and reread some of the fifth book of Harry Potter. This break, I wanted just time for me to relax and forget about school and Cross Country for a while. Having time just for myself helped me achieved this during this break.

Q1: W7

Zoe- yes, I can hear your groaning. Grace- Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction

      It was five in the morning. Maya woke up to her brother continuously shaking her. It was pitch black outside. Maya slowly realizes that today is the big day. She then gradually began to get herself up. As Maya was getting ready ideas rummaged through her head. “Where will I go? Who will I sit with at lunch? What if I get lost?” All those ideas worried her as she ate her waffles and packed her lunch. One by one she placed her shoes on and checked one more time in the mirror. She grabbed her backpack and joined her mom in the car. The car's temperature was chilly which calmed her nerves. The car ride was about ten minutes away from school. Maya looked out the window the whole ride. She counted all the trees passing by, she counted 130 trees as she was making her way into the school’s carpool. It was time for her to go to school. Saying goodbye to her mom she opened the door. Maya looked back at her mom and closed the door. Maya started her journey through her new school.

Harrison Bergeron

       Harrison Bergeron  is about a family of three, whose son was taken to jail.  Harrison Bergeron takes place in the future where everyone was "finally equal." Equal in this story means that everyone is the same. No one can be stronger or quicker than them. In the story, the husband, wife, and son acted oddly to me. The husband, George had his intelligence way above than normal. Therefore, he had a little mental handicap radio in his ears. This radio was tuned to a government transmitter. The transmitter would send out a noise to keep people like George to stay "steady." The noise would make any memory George had in his head forgotten. Another event that I had found odd to me was that the son, Harrison escaped from jail to "overthrow the government." Though in the end of Harrison's chaotic plan he failed in overthrowing the government and in-fact died from doing so.       Harrison Bergeron oddly enough makes me realize a matter that we face in our